7 Behaviors Self-Respecting People Never Tolerate

Many people have become fully aware that must change their lives during these times of big transformation. If we want to transform ourselves in our best version, it’s time to be brave, honest and transparent. Also if we want to honor our true selves we need to let go anything that doesn’t feel good in our souls. So here are the 7 behaviors that you shouldn’t tolerate if you truly respect and love yourself:

  1. People pleasing

It’s all about what makes you happy in the end of the day, that’s all you need to be concerned about. Listen to your heart and stop trying to convince others, most of the time they will try to assure you that you shouldn’t follow your heart. But all you have to do is to believe in yourself and rise above the opinions other people have. Any self-respecting person would value their own opinion over others and do what feels right to do.

  1. A negative view of themselves

Have you heard about the power of attraction? Your life is what your thoughts are. You can’t aspect positive and cheerful life if you have negative view of yourself and all you see around is gray and depressing. So if you want your reality to become more positive you need to start having positive thoughts about yourself. The self-respecting and positive people can see opportunities and bliss whenever they look. Start nourishing yourself with positive thoughts, relationships and goals if you want to see better version of yourself.

  1. Remaining stagnant

We all love to be in our comfort zones, it’s so nice and peaceful, while the world outside seems to be pretty scary place. But are you able to see the actual world from your comfort zone? Unfortunately the answer is no. You need to try new things and push the limits if you want to see yourself growing. Self-respecting people are aware that the real life begins at the end of the comfort zone, so they are brave and ready to go out and see the magic happening.

  1. Trying to fit in

If you really want to succeed in this world you need to stop following the herd and create your own path. You can’t just listen to other opinions, you need to start listening your own instincts if you want to grow. A whole new world is just in front of you, you just need to be comfortable in your skin and able to see it.


  1. Working in a soul-sucking job

We are all aware that sometimes we are forced to work at job we don’t really like just because we have bills that need to be paid. But it’s time to stop doing what drains you a look for something that supports your mental and emotional well-being. That’s what a self-respecting person would do. Discover what you truly love and go for it.

  1. Neglecting your health

You are the one in charge for your own health, nobody else. So if you don’t feel good emotionally or physically maybe it’s time to examine your life and see what you can change. Any self-respecting person is aware how much the health is important if they want to enjoy life to the fullest. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but you need to start from somewhere.

  1. Overly controlling relationship

Self-respecting people would never allow someone to dictate their lives, no matter if that comes from a friend or partner. Never tolerate someone who wants to control your life. Toxic relationships can be bad for your health. You deserve relationships that will help you grow and learn nothing less.

It’s all about happiness. In the end, we can only be sorry for the chances we didn’t take and the moments we didn’t live because we weren’t brave enough. We need to let go anything that bring us down if we want to rise and set our souls on fire. Always remember that we came to this world to thrive, not to survive. Choose things and people that make you happy and help you grow, never settle for less!

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