Find Out What Your Face Says About Your Health

The face is supposed to be your truest storyteller. Time and again, traditional medicinal practitioners have proved of how a person’s face can very well depict his physical and mental conditions. However, such an understanding is not an easy task for all. People might overlook the signs and on knowing the reality, they cannot help but recognize the fact that a person’s lifestyle and mental condition is essentially depicted by their face. Attempts to stay fit can never really be successful if people ignore the physical frailties that crop up. When the odd changes happening on your face or any drastic change is pointed out correctly, one can have the opportunity to change the situation and strive towards a better lifestyle. Taking care of the body is necessary to nurture other emotions and activities. Listed here are a few underlying facts about your face:

An exceptionally lean and thin face

This is a sign of malnutrition if the face looks abnormally thin. Despite how much we want and get in good shape, our face will never look sick or thin. It happens only when there is an excess of stress or lack of nourishment. Dieting to an extent that it destroys your general appetite and makes you look rather sick loses the whole game. Exercising more than the body can support shows protruding cheekbones and sunken eyes. It is good to exercise daily, but having a healthy and sufficient diet is also much needed.

Fluffy face

A sudden increase in the intake of food can lead to unwanted accumulation of body and face fat. It makes your face look swollen up. Food, no matter how good it tastes, should be consumed in measured quantities only. It is necessary to reduce the amount of alcohol consumption as well, for that adds up to the swollen face. The key to having a healthy life is a good diet and sufficient amount of exercise.

Untimely wrinkles



Wrinkles naturally appear when one gets older, however, the appearance of such a skin symptom at an early age is a matter of concern. They are a sign that your body is being subjected to excess stress which is making you look really old. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight on the face for it affects the skin in a negative way.

Dried up skin

Dry skin is just not a natural thing, the kind of food and soluble you consume is also responsible for the skin getting dried up easily. Lack of nutritious food without the correct amount of vitamin intake causes serious health problems. The excess dried up skin may also bleed at times, which is yet another problem. No cream or external treatment can restore the inner strength if the correct amount of food isn’t consumed.

Acne and pimples

Acne is the most annoying thing that one gets due to hormonal secretion and excessively oily skin. Not just this, the type of diet also determines the growth of acne. Eating food rich in fat and sugar content leads to increased pimples. Make it a point to wash your face regularly and use face wash if possible to reduce the oil and dirt accumulation on your face.

Dark circles

Dark circles can be caused due to insomnia or increased stress and depression. At times, unhealthy food can also lead to the same, however, the far-reaching consequences are a result of the former. To avoid having dark circles, try to get good sleep, take in proper amounts of water and try avoiding substance abuse.

If you are working-out and want to keep your body healthy, don’t miss out on your face. It might reveal some hidden secrets about your health. After all, health is wealth and it’s not that easy to get. Take care!

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