Student Housing Accommodation: 5 Things That Can Change Your Housing Environment
Australia is one of the highest-rated places among students across the world, especially the ones who are looking at options for higher education. This also blesses Australia with a bounty of young bright talent. However, in order to groom this talent pool, it is important that Australians make sure they are comfortable and feel right at home to the best of our capacity.
If you offer a housing accommodation for students, it is your responsibility to ensure that your accommodation facility is in their interest too, and not just yours. To make this easier for you, we have compiled the list of a few basic changes that you could make to your place to improve the quality of your services. Some of them are:
Basic amenities
These days, housing options offer a lot more than just basic amenities. They offer a play zone, a gymnasium, an in-house theatre, a library, recreational hall, tennis court, and whatnot! However, what truly makes it a great place for students as well as yourself is the basic amenities.
You might want to double-check on the basic amenities of the place. In the lustre and glamour of all these add-ons, it is important that you do not compromise on what is most important. Thus, a fully-equipped security system, 24/7 access to water and electricity, a fire evacuation equipment in place, food options, and a steady internet connection – are all important matters that should not be compromised with.
Your policies
The code of conduct you have at your place determines the environment of the place. For instance, if you need the students to evacuate the recreation hall or the TV area by 9:00 p.m., then it should be made clear to them. You could do so by putting post-it notes around the property or you could do so by handing them informational papers at the time they join the place.
More so than the policies, it is how the policies are executed that affects the environment of the place. For instance, if you just expect the kids to evacuate the area on time, but you have not communicated so, it could lead to arguments and perhaps, bitterness inside the housing area! This could have been easily avoided with the help of post-it notes and polite emails sent out to all the kids in the house. You should also be prepared for some kids who would violate them or would be lazy with your policies.
Your disposition
There is a reason why we did not club this in the policies! The code of conduct that needs to be followed in a place may not be in coherence with your personal preferences. Despite the differences, it needs to be followed by you as well as your students. Furthermore, a warm and friendly disposition help students warm up to you.
If you want them to follow the proper policies to a T, you would need to be warm enough for them to ask you questions. You need to be patient for them to learn over time. Furthermore, while being friendly is a great trait, being overly sociable could diminish your authority among the students. This is why we recommend you exercise friendliness but with a pinch of strictness in your nature as well.
Good image
In today’s world, online reputation is what drives a business to unexplored heights. You could use social media apps and online services to enhance your reputation. These days, kids don’t usually go for offline brokers, but instead, they have online ones! What this means is there are various rental portals. Which list the best properties for kids to look up and filter from. Having yourself listed on such websites and having a good social media presence would speak volumes for your trustworthiness. To get yourself registered, visit website!
A green corner
Nothing says good vibes quite like a bunch of blossoming flowers and green plants lined in your home decor. You could have cute little pot sequence around the property or if you have a generous space to go for a proper garden a lawn, planting useful herbs or beautiful flowering trees could do wonders to renovate your property.