The Difference Between Biotech vs. Pharmaceuticals

While some people use the terms biotech and pharmaceutical in the same context, the reality is that these two are not the same. Biotech companies are companies that produce medicines from living organisms, while pharmaceutical companies use chemicals to develop drugs.

Biotech is completely based on biology and biomolecular processes. Some of their work includes blood components, vaccines, gene therapy, tissue, allergenic, etc. You’re probably unaware that some of the products you use daily are produced thanks to biotechnology. We’re talking about laundry detergents, beer, wine, plastic objects, etc. Biotechnology is not a new thing; in fact, it has been used since ancient times to improve crops and breed animals.

Biotechnical companies use living organisms to create products and solve common problems. Aside from helping people by producing everyday products, Biotech companies have managed to make ground-breaking products for medical purposes. Some of the latest inventions include products for treating psoriasis, arthritis, and several autoimmune diseases and products for reducing tumors.

Many Biotech companies provide top-quality solutions, including the Therapeutic Biotech Companies such as 180 Life Sciences. The company is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing therapeutics for unmet medical needs in inflammation, chronic pain, and fibrosis. They employ both innovative research and combination therapy. The company’s vision is to bring vitality, health, and joy to the world by eliminating fibrotic and inflammatory diseases. Its mission is to do a 180 on pathological inflammation and its sequela, advance the science and treatment of the disease it causes, and create scientific, developing therapeutics to solve the inflammation at its source. The company’s pipeline consists of 3 families of drugs under development. All three programs are led by top scientists who also work at prestigious universities and have already made ground-breaking discoveries in their fields. The three families consisted of:

  • TNF ( Fibrosis and Anti-TNF) treats frozen shoulder, postoperative cognitive decline, liver fibrosis, and Dupuytren’s
  • SCA( Synthetic CBD Analogs) is used for arthritis, pain, and
  • A7 (a7nAChR) for ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory

In recent years, many Biotech companies have joined forces with computer technology companies in Silicon Valley to produce breakthrough drugs. As you can conclude, the Biotech world is only going forwards, with no stopping anytime soon, expected to reach $2.44 trillion by 2028.

Now let’s talk pharmaceuticals. As we already mentioned above, pharmaceutical companies are companies that research, develop and make medicines from artificial sources. Pharma products can take many years to come to the market because it requires a lot of time spent on research and development. The Food and Drug Administration must approve all products created by Pharma before they appear on the market. Many successful Pharma companies on the market have been sucesflly working for ages, producing some of the most popular medicined known to humankind. For example, Bayer, the German

Pharma company that patented the globally known and acclaimed Aspirin in 1899. The Pharma field is continuously growing, and new companies appear regularly, trying to develop the next big thing.

They’re different in what they use to produce their products, and Biotech and Pharma are different in many other aspects. Biotech companies have very high operating costs because they research, develop, and test. The process takes years, and the results can be a massive breakthrough or an epic financial fail. On the other hand, Pharma companies have a constant steady flow of income while doing their new research and developing new products.

Nevertheless, Biotech and Pharma companies have done so many amazing things to make our life better and easier. Both industries are just as important, and their continuous development will only bring greater things to humankind.

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