The Most Powerful Antibiotic Made of Honey and Turmeric That Not Even Doctors Can Explain

People have been using turmeric for a long time as a powerful natural remedy for a variety of health problems. Turmeric is an incredible spice that can help you with respiratory issues, liver diseases, skin problems, muscle sprains, cuts and wounds, and even gastric issues.

Turmeric is very important for our overall health and well-being. It contains a very powerful component – curcumin which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-microbial properties. According to the researches, the curcuminhas a positive impact on the DNA, cell survival, and on the inflammation molecules. It also has ability to lower osteoarthritis symptoms. The other powerful component found in turmeric is turmerone, which has the ability to improve brain functions and even treat Alzheimer’s by repairing the cells in the brain.

Here is how to make the most potent natural antibiotic with turmeric:

  • 1 tbsp.of turmeric spice
  • 100 grams of organic honey


Put all the ingredients in a glass jar and mix them well.

How to use it: If you have flu, take half a spoon of this antibiotic every hour. The next day, you can take the same amount in every 2 hours. On the third day, take the same dosage, 3 times per day. Before swallowing the mixture, make sure you melt it in your mouth. You can also add this mixture to your cup of tea or milk.

One comment on “The Most Powerful Antibiotic Made of Honey and Turmeric That Not Even Doctors Can Explain”

  1. leslie hughes says:

    is tumeric a good herb for patients with cystic fibrosis.

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