Top 10 Alkaline Foods That Prevent Cancer, Heart Diseases and Obesity

There is a list of alkaline foods that you can eat as much as you want without gaining weight. These foods are rich in fiber and nutrients, which have the ability to make the consumers full and don’t provide the excess calories. Besides, preventing obesity, these alkaline foods improve the overall health of the body, prevent cancer and heart related diseases.

Here are the 10 foods that prevent cancer, heart diseases and prevent gaining weight:

  1. Plums

Plums are very low in calories – 100 grams of apple contain only 45 calories. Plums are rich in vitamin C and thus have significant effects on the healthy cardiovascular system. Plums also promote satiety and digestion.

  1. Zucchini

Zucchinis are low in calories – one serving contains only 42 calories. Zucchinis promote intestinal health, lower the energy after a heavy meal and have the ability to regulate the water-salt ratio in the body.

  1. Beet

Beets are great for regulating the blood sugar levels, strengthening the muscles and also promoting the fat burning. Beet is very low in calories – one average piece contains about 40 calories.

  1. Melon

This fruit is a great body cleanser and showed the significant effects of cleaning the toxins. Melons are rich in water and keep your body hydrated. Melon is a top alkaline food with pH value around 8.5.

  1. Pineapple

As the melon, described above, the pineapple is a top alkaline food too. This fruit is rich in bromelain, a compound that stimulates fat burning, hydrates your body and cleanse it from accumulated toxins.

  1. Berries

Cranberries and currants are rich in vitamin C and many other essential nutrients. Currants have diuretic properties and can fight edema. Strawberries promote a healthy heart and proper digestion.

  1. Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium, B vitamins, manganese, and magnesium.Adding bananas to your daily diet, you can help in the process of losing weight. This fruit also has the ability to balance the blood sugar levels, improves the digestion and protects the heart.

  1. Cabbage

Cabbage is low in calories and has many health benefits. It is recommended to eat cabbage a few times a week because it could disrupt the iodine levels and improve the overall health of the body.

  1. Eggplant

Eggplants are a healthy and beneficial vegetable with a low amount of calories. Consumption of grilled eggplant without oil provides only 24 calories.

  1. Celery

Celery stems, as diuretic promote weight loss. They contain about 95% of water. It has ability to hydrate your body and improve your overall health.

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