20 Things People Don’t Understand You Are Doing Because You Actually Have Self-Respect

Imagine self-respect as something that you master every single day in your life, it’s like a never-ending craft that puts us into many challenges and questions about our real selves and our mental strategies.

The way how we deal with life itself lies in the basis of love towards ourselves, understanding and there is our respect for who we are, what we are capable of and how strong we actually are.

You will know when it’s time to take matter in your hands and change your life into better. These are the 20 things that people bug when it comes to a strong person, having them:

1. You are on the top of your priority list

How else should it be? Everything starts with you. If you take care and love yourself, it’s much easier to give to who you love.

2. You stopped accepting meaningless words and apologies

Words have no actions if there isn’t any intention behind them. If you feel like they are said without meaning, you know it’s easy for you to cross that person.

3. You are no longer the mediator between people

If they have issues, they can solve themselves. You don’t have any part of it, and it’s not your business.

4. You block people from stealing your energy

You are not feeling guilty anymore to avoid certain people that steal your energy, or even tell them that it’s enough.

5. You cut all the toxic relationships

Something that holds you back doesn’t give you much value, in fact, none at all. Letting go is the best solution.

6. You are no longer justifying your actions on others

Whatever happened to you and whatever you decide to do with your life, it’s entirely up to you. No one has the right to approve or disapprove your choices.

7. You are answering when you feel like it

Whether it’s a text or a phone call, if you feel like you will rather much avoid people, you are free to do it. You put your own well being before everyone else’s needs.

8. You are going home when you feel like it, or stay home when you feel like it

You no longer feel like you need to stay the entire night if you’re not feeling like it, or feel guilty and disassociated if you choose to stay at home. You listen to your heart.

9. You embrace change without being afraid

Changes in life usually come in difficult situations, but change is always good for ourselves. You accept change, you appreciate it and you deeply understand the meaning of it.

10. You no longer feel the need to expose your intimacy on social media

Where people feel the need to let go some of their thoughts and opinions and need to be heard by others and validated through likes and comments, you slowly start to view social media as what it truly is and you don’t want to do that anymore.

11. You don’t want to hang out with people you no longer vibe with

A strange energy or even draining one can have a negative effect over you, so you no longer want to hang out with those people.

12. You are letting go of your bad coping mechanisms

Whether it’s drinking, smoking or meaningless relationships, you decide to take life with more steady hands and mind.

13. You don’t care what people think over your lifestyle or appearance

Yes! You don’t search validation in the eyes of the majority, you are happy with what you have become and who you are, and no longer need to feed over compliments, or stress over nay-sayers.

14. You can easily say NO

If you feel like you need to deny something, or state your opinion as no, you do it. It’s not that hard and now you know it and you feel it.

15. You learned that no one should suffer your bad behavior

When you feel like you’re at your lowest, you catch yourself feeling the need to burst it out on someone. And now it’s the time when you successfully remind yourself that people don’t deserve that attitude.

16. You no longer want to convince people to love you

Who loves you, great, who doesn’t, well, who cares? You know that you cannot please everyone, and you certainly cannot change yourself just to be liked by someone.

17. You fall in love with the thought that it’s perfectly fine to be disliked too

Or let it state, not liked, or neutral. Even disliked. You are your true self and you value that much more than anybody’s emotions over you.

18. You start to take responsibility in your life

This is what the adulthood will bring to you. Being responsible means to be able to live on your own and work on your own, and have money on your own without asking anyone else for help. That is, one type of freedom.

19. You don’t like to play the victim

You value yourself and you are feeling responsible for what you do. And this is the moments when you start catching yourself that you absolutely hate that certain need of people to play the victims to get what they want.

20. You no longer prioritize people that you are only option to them in your life

It doesn’t matter how close you feel these people, or they claim to you that you’re close to them, if they only call you just because they have no one else to spend their time with, screw them. A person that loves your company and loves you will make time to see you, and that is the person that you need to validate and appreciate. And maybe, that is the person that should appreciate you and what you are. That is the meaning of a nice friendship, filled with respect.

One comment on “20 Things People Don’t Understand You Are Doing Because You Actually Have Self-Respect”

  1. Carol says:

    Great article. Best advice. Thank u

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