5 Surprising Strengths Of People Who Have Been Emotionally Neglected

When you think of someone as emotionally neglected, the first thing that might come to your mind is vulnerable. Victims of neglect are expected to be weak and needing support. They are those who have gone through hardships which have broken them, right? Well not exactly. In fact, such people can be incredibly strong. This is precisely because they had to go through so much.

Now they have learnt from their hardships and are even stronger than those who didn’t have to suffer all that they did. They are not victims, rather they are survivors. Here are 5 things that show their strength:

1. They are independent

When someone is emotionally neglected, especially during their early formative years, they learn to make do on their own. When they understand that their needs are not being taken care of by other people, they learn to become self sufficient. They are immensely independent. They don’t feel the need to have other people around them. Everything they do, they can manage themselves on their own just fine. This is because they learnt it early in life that the only person they could ever rely on is themselves. That is why they have learnt to not need anyone else.

2. They are incredibly positive

This might seem very strange, right? Someone who has suffered years of neglect and/or abuse would have no reason to be positive about life. At least this is what most people think of as the first impression. But the truth is, these people are quite optimistic about their life and everything else. Think about it. If they couldn’t have seen the silver lining in their tough times, how would they have survived such terrible times. They have trained themselves to always look for the positive in any situation and that is why they are always optimistic.

3. They are very Empathetic towards the pain of others

It is natural to expect that someone who has suffered abuse because of the insensitivity of others, would be very cold an closed off towards others. But the truth is, such people are the most empathetic souls out there. Having suffered abuse first hand, they know exactly how demeaning and traumatic it is. Therefore, if they see that anyone else is in pain, they will be the first one to help. They know how hard it is for them, and they don’t want anyone else to suffer alone.

4. They believe in giving

They know first-hand that the world can be a really dark and cold place. They know the importance of love and warmth for other people. Therefore, they will make sure that they are the ones who spread this much needed love to the world. They know how to conjure up warmth when there is not much of it to begin with. And they believe in caring for others because they have felt what could happen when nobody’s there to support someone. Even though there was no one when they needed love and warmth, they will make sure that they are provide it to those who need it.

5. They are very adaptable

When they were in their abusive relationship, they had to be always prepared for the while of their abuser. They learnt to handle a lot of situations, on their own. Now, when they are finally free of their abuser, they can make use of this skill which they had to develop in order to survive. They are never taken by surprise, no matter what life throws at them. They always have and they always will find a way out. They can adapt to any situation, and come out at the top.

One comment on “5 Surprising Strengths Of People Who Have Been Emotionally Neglected”

  1. Armida Navarro says:

    It’s so interesting , what is stated really does happen to those of us who have been there done that. But I believe that it also makes us stronger in ways I never knew I could be. Thank you for putting this article out.

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