If You Have Chronic Knee Pain, You Must Try This Stretch

Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. The most common causes of knee pain are arthritis, gout and infections. If you suffer from chronic knee pain, you definitely know how painful and difficult this can be.

Luckily, there is a one simple stretch that can help you ease the pain and protect your knees.

Here is how to do this 2-minute stretch to relieve your knee pain.

Before doing the stretch, you’ll need a towel.

Sit on a chair and fold the towel. Put the towel behind your knee, as far into the joint as it will go, then gently bend your knee up so your foot is planted on the chair.

Then, gently wrap your hands around your shin and give a little tug. With these tugging motions using your towel, you will create space inside your knee joint. This will help you ease your pain.

Do this stretch regularly to keep your knees pain-free and healthy.

Check the video below for some more instructions.

3 comments on “If You Have Chronic Knee Pain, You Must Try This Stretch”

  1. Eugene Silayo says:

    It looks quite straight forward and simple. I will try it out; hopefully it may work. Eugene

  2. JJ says:

    I have 2 replacements knees will this help

  3. Vanessa says:

    I can’t get my knee my foot onto the chair my knee is so painful and inflammed. I there a modified version? #ownshow

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