10 Reasons Your Big Sister Is The Most Important Girl You’re Ever Going To Have In Life

You might hate her guys and think that she’s always stealing your limelight. She might seem like an incredible bully to you when you were a little kid, but now you know that the real world is so much worse than her teasing you about being adopted.

And she might always pester you but there is no denying that when the big bad world comes to bite, your big sister will always be there to protect you. There are numerous reasons why your elder sister is going to be one of the most important persons in your life. Here are some:

1. She was your automatic first friend in life.

She’s been there with you and for you, during your entire life. No one can be as close to you as she is because she was always there for all your highs and lows.

2. She knows exactly what the deal with your family is.

Because hello, she’s part of the same family. She knows what quirks your parents have and the pressures which are on you. She is the only one who can truly empathize with your situation.

3. Even though she teases you, but she also loves you and you know it.

She will never make you feel like you need to be someone else around her. And how can you when she has practically seen you going from a toddler to the person you are today.

4. There is no such thing as shortage of clothes for you, because you can always ransack her wardrobe.

And she might throw a tantrum but deep inside she is actually happy when you find something that looks great on you.

5. She helps you have a broader mindset and a clearer perspective about the world.

This is because she is older and knows more than you, but not old enough that there will be a problem in you two understanding each other.

6. She will always be there for you.

Even when you are adults, you know you can always knock on her door and she will welcome you with open arms. Her motherly instincts towards you will always be as good as when you were a toddler. So anytime you feel like you have nowhere to be, you can always reach out to her.

7. She never sugar-coats her words.

She really cares about you so she wants you to know exactly what is up with the world. She might appear to be rude or blunt at times, but that is only because she wants you to be prepared and not taken off guard.

8. She will be your staunchest supporter throughout your life.

She will believe in you even on the days you don’t believe in yourself.

9. She is the best person to seek advice from.

She will be non judgmental, she has your interests at heart and she has the experience so she knows what’s best for you.

10. And finally, you will always have her even when you have nobody.

That’s the perk of having a family. They are there for you through thick and thin.

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