6 Heartbreaking Ways Emotional Abuse In a Relationship Changes Your Life

Being in a relationship means giving up the freedom of a single life. You don’t get to be romantic with anyone else but your partner, you don’t get to think about yourself, you can’t just come and go as you please, you give up independence for interdependence. Happy relationships are hard to create and maintain, but they are the most rewarding thing we can have in our lives.

They are better than power and money because they give us something those things can’t give us, support, companionship, and value. It takes some real understanding of what makes relationships healthy and happy to be successful at it. To share the hard truths in a relationship is the hardest but it is important as well.

If we don’t know the real person we are in bed with then it becomes difficult for us to live our lives with them. It is always better to come clean and confront the person. This would make both of your lives better. Discussed below are a few ways how emotional abuse in a relationship may cause changes in your life:

1. Your idea of a relationship is now pretty messed up

After being a relationship where you have been emotionally abused, your whole perception of two people being together changes. You would start to feel like you are giving up a huge part of your freedom to get some happiness. To you, a relationship would feel like a burden from which you eagerly want to escape.

2. You have difficulty trusting others, and yourself

Once a plate is broken, you can still put the pieces together by using glue but it will never be the same. Similarly, a broken heart can never be the same. You will have a hard time trusting others even if you have known that person for a very long time. The fear of being lied to, will always persist.

3. Your self-esteem takes a huge hit

You will never be the same person around others like you used to. If someone gets close to you in your life you will always have doubts or think that person has some ulterior motive. You will not be very confident in dealing with people and will always hesitate in making the first move.

4. You feel all kinds of emotions for still missing that person

It would take months for you to comprehend what actually happened. You had loved the person with all your heart and he abused you. You would want to erase his image from your mind and you eventually will. But there will be days when you will think of that person and cry yourself to sleep.

5. You may think finding happiness again will be difficult

The key element to a happy relationship is trust. If you cannot trust someone it will make you doubt the person. Doubting is a prelude to arguments. Thus it will be very difficult for you to find happiness again.

6. You’ll never settle for anything less than what you deserve

The only person who knows you better is you. You know your capabilities, limits and hence you would never settle for anything less. Everyone deserves happiness and you are no exception.

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