6 Things You Should Stop Chasing in Life

How many times did happen to you to chase something for a long time and always just to be a fingertip’s width away? You put all your energy and all your time just to reach out to a certain thing and then just nothing again. But you are still that incessant creature that never stops.

But sometimes all you have to do is stop for a moment, look back and think, is that specific thing the right thing you should pursue? Sometimes we just believe that that’s the right thing, but the truth is completely different.

So, stop chasing the things that spend your energy unnecessary and focus on what you truly need in your life.

  1. Stop Chasing “THE” dream

No, I’m not saying you should stop following your dreams. I just want to tell you that you need to make sure you are pursuing your own dreams. Nowadays when we are obsessed with other people’s perceptions and thoughts, it looks like we are lost between what we really want and what we really need. Don’t be lost in the commercialism, always ask yourself what you truly want. How can you know what direction to go to if you don’t know what you want?

  1. Stop chasing money

We have all heard the old “money can’t buy you happiness, even if it can take you more places looking for it” and it is an old cliche but still consisting the same truth as the first time someone realized wealth is not about money. If you only chase money you will start working something that you hate, hours that will destroy your health and then you will be just missing the days, the month, the years of your life… and when you look back the only thing you will be proud of is your paycheck. Is it really worth? Are all that money worth for the sacrifice, for all those missed years? If you ask me definitely NO. I personally judge my wealth by the people around me not by the number on my paycheck.

This also extends to the pursuit of material goods. Of course, sometimes the material goods will bring a temporary happiness, but they definitely won’t fulfill your soul in a long term.

  1. Stop chasing attention

We are living in a modern society where everybody is so obsessed with social media. All of those insignificant posts just because someone needs attention and validation. We all have those friends that will post something like they are not okay at the moment and then expect us to jump with our comments and rescue them. If you have some problems and if you don’t know what to do, making a post on Facebook or twitter, won’t make the things right. Maybe you just need to talk with someone close to you and express yourself, not just looking for attention on social media.

  1. Stop chasing Validation from others

Never base your opinion of yourself on what other people think about you, there are always going to be people that simply don’t like you. But you don’t even have to care about them. No one has to like you and understands you, except you.  If you care what other people think of you, you’re giving them a control over your happiness.  Just remember that you are who you are and you should love yourself for exactly who you are. How can you be happy with someone else if you aren’t happy with yourself?

  1. Stop Chasing “Happiness”

We all struggle for happiness, but what exactly is happiness? Happiness is a choice. Happiness is everywhere around us, you just need to see it. You can go to the end of the world to find it, but if you don’t enjoy the journey you will miss the whole point of the trip. That’s the life: we can miss the whole forest just because we are searching for a specific tree, not knowing if that tree exists at all.

  1. Stop chasing the past

You can’t move forward if you keep looking back in the past. The past is in the past and should remain there. Life is in front of you, of course, you can remember the experiences from the past, but always keep your eyes toward the future, that’s the only way to see all those chances in front of you.

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