7 Unexpected Things Your Body Odor Is Trying To Tell You, According To Chinese Medicine

All of us have experienced instances when our body odor is suddenly very evident but we don’t have any explanations for it. But traditional Chinese medicine has the answer. Experts in the field an diagnose a person by searching for anything that might be disturbing the balance of their life energy and the way you smell is one of the symptoms they look for.  Depending on the degree of severity, you might have to go see a doctor but if there are some small differences, you can check out what those changes mean here:

There’s something interfering with your digestion

If you are having issues with body odor, it is a very common indicator that all is not well with your digestion. According to Dr. Taz Bhatia, you might not possess the good kind of bacteria that helps you in digesting your meals. It could also mean that there is an excess of yeast and candida which is causing the smell. Try to add food items that are heavy in probiotics to your diet.

You are dealing with stress or anxiety

When your scent is similar to the scent of something burning, this means that your heart is not balanced. According to traditional medicine, the heart controls the mind and when it is not balanced, you will be stressed, anxious and unable to sleep. The increase in cortisol production can change the way you smell. The added smokiness represents the fire element which is a representation of all that has to do with the heart. Strengthen your relationships and try to get away from all your problems so that you can come back energized.

The liver and the gallbladder are giving you problems

A rotten scent indicates that your liver and gallbladder are in trouble. This is associated with the element wood and those who suffer from an imbalance here might feel unnecessarily irritated and annoyed. If you are consuming too many alcoholic drinks or junk food, you need to stop. Working out will make you feel better.

Something is wrong with your spleen

If you smell sickly sweet like old flowers, the problem is with the spleen. This is the part of you that controls what you are thinking and intending to do. It is related to your connection with the earth. You start smelling damp and your body will start retaining fluids causing you to bloat. Eat things like asparagus, daikon, lettuce and pumpkin to feel good.

The lung or the large intestine is not balanced

The smell of something rotting can also indicate that your lung or your large intestine is not balanced. This is associated with metal and it represents the feelings you are holding in such as sorrow. Other symptoms include dry coughing and unhealthy bowel movements. Let go of and clear your head. Go out and let nature work her magic.

There are problems with your kidney

If you smell ammoniac or like the ocean, the issue is with the kidneys which are related to water. You’ll feel weary and afraid. Work out and eat nutritious meals so that you feel more energized and determined. This will also bring balance back to your kidneys.

Your emotions are not being dealt with

Bottled up feelings can escape as scent. If you smell rotten, you are holding in your rage and if your smell is sickly sweet, you aren’t taking your own feelings well. Confide in someone close to you or seek professional heath in order to handle your feelings properly. Meditating can also help declutter your mind and relax you.

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