8 Usual Bedtime Habits That Could Be Ruining Your Entire Day

We all have a long and tiring day. At the end of all the hustle and bustle, we want to catch a good sleep but we often fail because of some common bedtime habits. Discussed below are a few of them which also ruin our whole day.

1.Resolving conflicts with your partner

 After a tiring day, a person doesn’t have the energy to fight. Conflicts never end and if you waste the whole night trying to solve it then it will affect your work as well as your sleep. At that point in time is better to keep the argument on hold or clear it out the next morning with a fresh mind.

2.Failing to follow a proper skin care routine ― or just using face wipes

 If you have an early meeting or an important day in front of you then it is imperative that you cleanse your face before going to sleep even if you didn’t wear makeup.

3.Working out

 Exercising and keeping you fit is a very good habit. Some of the people are too lazy to do so. They won’t even workout even if they are getting paid to do so. If you have inculcated the habit then it is good. Working out early is the best way to get proper sleep at night.

4.Lighting up

 People know smoking is a bad habit and they do it because of their own choices. The nicotine present in a cigarette releases certain chemicals which make the brain shaggy and irritable for a while. It will help you to sleep better if you smoke one or two hours before falling asleep.

5.Relying on a glass of wine to wind down

 You may think that alcohol helps you sleep better at night but it actually does the opposite. It makes you feel drowsy but it lessens the deep sleep that you might have had if you had consumed warm milk or green tea.

6.Using your phone in bed, period

 Maximum of the people in America is suffering from obesity and breast cancer. The main reason behind this is the blue light that is emitted from our smartphone. This light hinders our sleep.

7.Eating late-night snacks

 After we eat munchies, either it gets stored as fat or gets burned up as energy. People should have food which has more proteins and carbohydrates. Last night snacks can often hinder our sleep and it also leads to an increase in weight or diabetes.

8.Neglecting your hair

Most of the women face the same problem with their hair after a shower. 60% of the women in the world have long hair. But as tiring as it seems, not drying your hair before sleeping will make the morning tougher.

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