Be Careful Of These 9 Signs That Show He’s a Real Heartbreaker

‘Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them’. 100% corny and cheesy and equally true. If you’ve ever fallen for someone, you must know that this is true. When we like someone, we often tend to place them on a pedestal, look and accept only the good parts and ignore anything that isn’t exactly something we’d like. As a result, many of us knowingly or unknowingly misread or completely ignore signs which indicate that the person we like might not be the best for us. If you are in the middle of a summer love of yourself, look for these 9 signs to make sure he is not bad news:

1. He never takes you to meet his friends

If he doesn’t think that you are important enough to make the acquaintance of his friends, there are very good chances that he doesn’t see you in his life in the future. Hence, for him, taking you to meet his friends would be futile.

2. He is more interested in your friends than you

This is a very bad sign indeed. If he has his eyes on your friend all along and is just using you in order to get closer to her, dump him and move on.

3. He makes you feel guilty when you worry about the Relationship

He says things like you are overthinking or something along those lines every time you bring up anything important. He is not ready to take the relationship seriously and is making you feel bad because you clearly do give it importance.

4. He never shares anything deep

He would never allow you to penetrate his walls. He doesn’t feel you are important enough to know the things that really matter to him.

5. It never feels like you have him in your corner

He is never there for you when you need him. He neither tries nor wants to help you. Because he’s here only for the good times.

6. You are clearly not one of the priorities of his life

Every time it comes to choosing between you and his friends, or work or anything at all in the world, he chooses the other thing. He thinks you are always going to wait for him and if you don’t, he isn’t bothered by it much.

7. He never takes your concerns seriously

Every time you try to talk to him about something that matters to you, he brushes it off as if it’s no big deal. He doesn’t care much about you or your feelings.

8. He never even bothers to put his best foot forward for you

Obviously in a relationship people shouldn’t have to worry about acting proper and other genteel stuff. But it is more about putting an effort for your sake, which he doesn’t.

9. He never takes the initiative to build communication

He doesn’t care if the conversation keeps going or dies down. He leaves you on read multiple times while you are always the one who sends the first text. Overall, he doesn’t care enough to maintain communication between the two of you.

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