Relieve Your Daily Stress With These 8 Simple Yoga Poses

Everyday life can be very stressful, and sometimes we need some help to get through the day with a positive energy. If you think that there is nothing that can help you relax and slow down, thinks twice. These special yoga poses can bring your energy and will make you feel like you are in heaven.

From an equipment you will need only a mat.

1. The Easy Pose

Sit on the floor with crossed legs and straight back. Press the tailbone into the floor and lift the top of your head towards the ceiling. Put your hands in front of you on the knees with the palms down or palms up.Stay in this position for a minute.

2. Cow Face Pose

Sit on the floor with your legs out in front. Bend your knees and slide your left foot under the right knee to the outside of the right hip. Then cross your right leg over the left, stacking the right knee on top of the left, and bring the right foot to the outside of the left hip. Put your hands to the heart center.Stay in this position for a minute.

3. Puppy Pose

Put all your fours on the floor and start walking with your hands towards the front of the mat. Keep your tailbone lifted towards the ceiling. Lower your chest and forehead to the floor, and continue to reach through the ceiling, while arching your tailbone up to the ceiling. Stay in this position for a minute.

4. Downward Facing Dog

Put all your fours on the floor. Place the knees directly underneath the hips and your feet should be hip-width apart. Hands should be in front of the shoulders. Start lifting the knees off of the floor, while arching your tailbone up towards the ceiling and straighten into the legs. Press the heels towards the floor and look up at the belly button, relaxing the tops of the shoulders.Stay in this position for a minute.

5. High Lunge Pose

From the position of downward facing dog, step up with your right foot between the hands. Make sure your knee is stacked right over the foot. Staying on your left toes, press into the left heel to straighten and strengthen the back leg. Center your hips forward by pressing your left hip towards the front of the mat. Lift the chest forward and pull the shoulder blades back.Stay in this position for a minute.

6. Warrior 2

Start with a standing position. Step with your left foot back, about 3.5 to 4 feet apart. Straighten your both arms out to the sides, with your palms facing downward. Turn the right foot towards the front of the mat and angle the left foot at 90 degrees. Bend your right leg, and the left leg should remain straight. Continuing to reach through the fingertips, pull the shoulder blades back and lift into the chest.  Stay in this position for a minute.

7. Bridge Pose

Lye on your back and bend your knees. Put your hands with palms down along your hips. Exhale and start lifting the hips and the buttock up towards the ceiling. Try to keep the thighs parallel to the floor and roll the shoulder blades underneath. Stay in this position for a minute.

8. Candle Pose

Lye on your back, bend your knees and place your hands on both sides of the hips with the palms down. Exhale and start lifting your body off of the floor while bringing the knees up towards the chest. Continue to lift by curling the pelvis and then the back torso away from the floor, so that your knees come toward your face. Bring your hands the lower back to support the body. Raise the pelvis above the shoulders, and lift the feet up towards the ceiling. Stay in this position for a minute.

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