This Is How to Confront Someone When You’re a People-Pleaser

Loving others and making them happy feels amazing. You tend to feel uplifted and positive whenever someone else is happy because of you. But if that happiness of someone else comes at the cost of you being hurt mentally or being unhappy with yourself, then it is not good.

Pleasing others is good but not always. You have to think about yourself before you think about others because if you don’t love yourself then no one will. Sometimes it is hard to say no because you’re too used to saying yes to everything and you fear that people might hate you if you refuse but in order to be happy and without burden you need to say no sometimes.

People will keep on giving you loads of work saying that you’re good at it and you will feel honored but you won’t notice that they are actually trying to burden you with excessive work that is not yours to do. They will make you feel you’re worth and take advantage of your nice behavior. You have to politely say no and refuse in order to take care of your comfort zones. Learn to stand up for yourself otherwise everyone will take undue advantage of you. These are the points that you should keep in mind if you feel guilty to say no:

1. Asserting your worth is never wrong.

Do not go to extremes to please others as it will make you more resentful towards them and the relationship may get harmed because of it. Taking a step for yourself and loving yourself increases the relationship and makes it healthy.

2. It is going to be uncomfortable.

Confronting someone is of course uncomfortable but you have to face your fears to overcome them. Your friends and family will not blame you if you confront them and say no. They will understand. They will give you space.

3. Look past your fear.

Life is a game of hurdles. If you fear every challenge it is going to be more difficult for you. Confront the challenges head on and be brave. You need to assert your right. Have courage and be kind.

4. It is impossible to please everyone.

You cannot please everyone on this planet. People will find bad things to say about you no matter what. So please yourself and forget what others think about you. Love yourself.

5. Confrontation is not hurting feelings it is standing in your moral.

If you have self esteem you will stand up for yourself. You are worthy and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Everyone deserves to be loved and cared for but you need to love yourself as well.

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