Exercising To Relieve Pain

It is very easy to fall off the exercise wagon especially if you are experiencing pain, but did you know that there are exercises designed to actually relieve pain? There are many exercises and stretches that you can do at home that targets specific areas which tend to get inflamed and stiff.

Here’s how to get started:

First Things First

If you are prone to pain or have joint disorders such as gout, it may be in your best interest to start investing in natural supplements. There is a variety to choose from that offer many benefits such as muscle and cardiovascular support as well as relief from pain caused by gout or migraines. The list is endless but luckily there are helpful supplement review sites such as Analyze That which offer helpful and informative information about what the best supplements on the market are.

Lower Back Pain

Moving and stretching your back can help to strengthen the muscles and help with pain caused by bad posture. Try doing partial crunches, this can help by strengthening your back and stomach muscles. To start, lay down with your knees bent, your feet should be flat on the ground. Place your arms behind your neck or cross them over your chest. Tighten your muscles and slowly raise your shoulders off the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly lower your back. This should be repeated about 10 times.

Avoid the following exercises if you have back pain:

  • Sit-ups
  • Toe Touches
  • Leg Lifts
Upper Back Pain

There are many causes of upper back pain such as injury, muscle strain or bad posture. By doing gentle exercises and stretches, you can reduce pain and tension. A good way to stretch is by standing in an open doorway with both your hands slightly above your head against the door frame. Once you are in a comfortable and firm position, slowly lean forward for about 15 seconds until you feel the front of your shoulders beginning to stretch. Repeat this about 3 times. Another routine to try is called the thoracic extension. Start by sitting on the edge of a chair, lock your hands behind your head and start arching backward slowly until you are looking up at the ceiling. Hold this position for about 15 seconds. Repeat this about 5 times.

Leg Pain

One of the most common causes of leg pain is usually due to the sciatic nerve, a large nerve that extends from the lower back to both sides of the leg. In some cases the pain may be excruciating, but in others, simple exercise may do the trick to help alleviate some of the strain. Try doing sitting spinal exercises which can help to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve by creating space in the spine. To start, you will need to sit on the ground with your legs extended in front of you with your feet flexed upwards. Bring your right leg over the left and bend your knee, make sure your foot is flat on the ground and positioned next to the outside of your left knee. Place your left elbow on the outside of your right knee to help support you, slowly start turning your body towards the right. Hold this for about 15 seconds and switch sides. Repeat each stretch 3 times per side.

Neck Pain

When it comes to your neck, always proceed with caution. If you are finding it difficult to move your neck especially after a few days, it may be best to get it checked out by a doctor. If you are suffering from pain because you have tension, stiff muscles or just slept in an odd position, you can try stretching your neck gently to ease the strain. Start by sitting in a chair or on the floor in an upright position, lock both hands behind your head ensuring that your palms are facing your head. Bring your head down to your knees slowly with your chin tucked into your chest. Use your palms to gently push your head away from your shoulders. Hold this for about 20 seconds before lifting your head up again.

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