15 Ways to Stop Having a Crush on Someone and How to Find Your Heart Again

Crushes make your life super difficult. However it’s not impossible to forget about them and not fall for people.

They just can’t seem to get out of your head. Even though you hardly know anything about them, you are attracted to them, which makes things very problematic. However there are ways to prevent this.

Reason Why You Shouldn’t Have Crushes

Crushes are very distracting and can create havoc if they are not controlled in the beginning. Your circumstances might not make it possible for you to date them and so you must move on.

Ways To Stop Thinking About Your Crushes
1.Consciously Forget About Them

Whenever you start thinking about your crush, start thinking about something else. Try to distract yourself and soon you’ll stop thinking about them altogether.


If you think you’re slipping, pause and remember why you can’t have a crush on them.

3.No Wishful Thinking

Don’t think your crush is perfect. That can’t be true. Focus on their bad personality traits and it will surely put you off.

4.Jot Down Lists

Make a list of their good and bad qualities, the advantages and disadvantages of dating them and what you like or dislike about them. The negatives will overpower the positives.

5.Distance Yourself

If you two belong to the same circle of friends or coworkers, try to maintain some distance from them, even if it’s problematic. Reduce communication with them until your feelings go away.

6.Clear Your System

Stop talking about them all the time. Release all your pent up emotions to a trustworthy friend and then move on.

7.Patience Is The Key

It’s not possible to suddenly stop having feelings for someone. It’s a slow process so be patient and believe in yourself.

8.Enjoy Yourself

Hang out with your friends, experience exciting things and have a good relaxing time. However don’t go on dates as they will hinder the process.

9.Block Them On Social Media

It’s rude but necessary. You can even mute them but the main point is to stop checking their social lives and control your feelings.


If they invite you to go somewhere with them, politely decline. It can be very tough but it will help in the long run.

11.Seek Help

Sometimes your feelings might get out of hand and so ask your friends to keep an eye on you and to stop you from doing anything stupid.

12.Make Yourself The Priority

Think about yourself for once, pamper yourself or find a new interest. Learn to love yourself.

13.Go On Dates

Your feelings might be under control by now so you might try dating others, only if you think you’re mentally prepared.

14.Write It Out

It’s easier to deal with feelings when you write about them. Express what you’re going through and then destroy it. It’ll help you heal.

15.Find Someone

You’re ready to find someone new, so go out and have fun.

Hopefully all these steps will help you! Good luck!

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