16 Facts About Men That Can Help you Read Their Mind

No matter how many guys you date, at times it is not possible to understand them. You have to be patient and spend lots of quality time together. It may take months to know him properly and understand what he is thinking. But, there are ways to know what he is thinking about you by reading these basic facts about guys. You can use these facts and relate them with your guy. Based on these facts, you can easily impress the guy you want.

1. It is not always true that a guy will get attracted to you only because of your physical appearance. He may fall for little things like your eyes, smile or even the way you talk, especially to him.

2. He will feel happy if you treat him in a special way in front of all the other guys who are attracted to you. But do not let him forget the fact he is lucky to have you because you chose him out of so many other guys.

3. Guys take time to open up. This does not mean that they are not trying to share their feelings with us. Try to be patient and make him feel comfortable. He will definitely open up to you.

4. Give him compliments and say it like you mean it. His blush might make your day.

5. If a guy likes you, he will try his best to do something for you. But at times they feel uncomfortable. So, do not put do not much pressure on him.

6. Take your time before ploughing your guy to oblivion. They might not always be expecting it, and might not be ready. Does not mean they would not reciprocate. But they like a steady start as much as you do.

7. Guys will not take help from anyone until and unless they have tried everything themselves. Don’t get angry, if he might get a bit tetchy with you trying to help him.

8. A guy will prove his love for you through his actions. They are not very vocal about their feelings.

9. Guys want to be sure of you before they get in a committed relationship with you. Give him space and time to think.

10. They will purposely pretend to not hear you while they are playing a video game or watching a movie. Doesn’t mean they don’t want to be with you. But, they do need some private time.

11. They do not understand when you say something but mean something else. So, to avoid confusion, just tell him what you really want.


12. Almost all men think that visiting a doctor makes them less manly.

13. In a relationship mutual respect is really important. You and your boyfriend can have different opinions but it is essential to respect each other’s point of view.

14. You will find similarities between a guy and his father’s behaviour as his father is his first role model.

15. After a breakup, even guys feel emotionally unstable. But they do not always show it.

16. A guy will always try to go out of his way and help if he likes you.

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