3 Ways to Outbreak an Unhappy Marriage Without Getting a Divorce

It is a very sad affair that not all people can maintain their married lives in a proper way. They are sure to face several ups and downs while being in a relationship. However, divorce is not always the suitable option to get rid of a troubled marriage. Divorce should be the last resort to look out for, to end a marriage. In case you are thinking of it, your marriage is at stake and this is going to drive you crazy. Your main focus is to get rid of the destructive marriage to get a fresh breath of freedom. Before that, it is necessary for you to understand the reason of discord between you and your partner.

There can be a number of reasons why you might want to leave a marriage, few of which could be lack of proper communication between the partners, continued actions of disrespect towards each other, emotional bonds which have now faded away, or an abusive or strangling marriage. All the aforesaid mentioned reasons might make you crave for a break or a full time freedom from the already disturbed marriage. However, there are ways in which you could escape such marriages without going for a divorce. For that, you need to carefully think about the reason behind your unhappiness. This will help you think properly and not act hastily before taking future steps. In case of a marriage that isn’t working, you might think divorce to be the best possible option, but it is necessary for you to realize the drawbacks of a divorce and its effect on you and your family. Divorcing your partner isn’t easy, it drains you out and has a lot of processes involved in it.

At certain situations where your partner is abusive towards you and your child, or you are presented with a hollow marriage before your children and cannot help to change its image, or if your partner is a genuine addict to substance abuse and cannot get rid of it in any way, divorce is certainly the best option. However, if your predicament is not alike then you can certainly try to skip a divorce.

There is probably some other important reason of your distress other than your marriage

It is not always your spouse who is at fault. You might be in despair due to some problem in your workplace or your family (kids/in-laws) which is being reflected in your marriage because your spouse is not contributing enough to make you feel better about it. You need to understand that the reason for your disturbed mind is not your marriage. Try to solve them and open up to your spouse regarding any difference with him/her that made you think that your marriage is at fault. This will help you build your marriage in a stronger way which in turn would provide you with energy and stability to fight with the other problems.

It depends on how much you participate in your relationship

A marriage consists of two people who need to devote themselves equally to make it work. Participation in your marriage is essential to keep it alive and you be serious about it. You need to get rid of thoughts that make you believe that conversation is not worth the time or choosing to ignore any problem that has cropped up or dissatisfaction which makes you disrespectful towards each other. You need to try your best to make your marriage work by taking serious efforts. This will make you sort out things and realize that your marriage isn’t the reason of your unhappiness.

Do not let go off a marriage without working for it

It is necessary for you to give your best effort to make the marriage work. Whether it works or not, depends upon the predicament but it does not leave you feeling remorseful about your lack of effort to save it from breaking. You would obviously want to know if your effort was worth it in the end, or not. Also, it wouldn’t go amiss to know what the reason behind your divorce was. Such clarity helps you respect each other’s decision even if you want to part ways.

Escaping a marriage is not an easy job to secure, but having known the reason for your problem, would lead you to take measured steps for your future and guarantee you genuine happiness.

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