7 Physical Signs Your Body is Telling You Your Partner Isn’t “The One”

Tackling a relationship is no easy task. There can be several phases in your relationship when you might either be extremely good with the person you are with or might feel low about being in a relationship with the same person. The moment you tend to lose your sense of comfort, you realize that your partner isn’t the one for you. Other than psychological indications, your body too starts showing signs of discomfiture and reluctance towards your partner.

Despite the number of times you disagree or tend to ignore thoughts that show negativities related to your partner, the gut feeling can never go wrong. The instincts get reflected in our physical actions towards the person. Coach, Claire Pearson claims that relationships may have had an amazing start but may lose its charm eventually due to various reasons and by no means can it be properly deciphered or stopped. The bodily reflexes then come to our rescue make us realize that he/she isn’t the one. One might have physical ailments resulting from distressed relationships and being with their partner. Some of these signs have been listed below:

Your hands and feet show reluctance

Have you felt like twitching your feet automatically in the presence of your partner? This is a sign that you are not comfortable in their presence and feel a sense of tension or distress. This might also be due to the instinctive escape that we want immediately, says relationship coach, Chris Armstrong. Twitching or movement of fingers and toes, even when the body is relaxed, may either be due to fear or stress which arises out of an uncomfortable conversation.

Choked voice while being around your partner

Lisa Concepcion of Love Quest Coaching believes that choked voice happens when some of the bodily chakras do not have a free flow of energy. Having regular choked voice while being with your partner exclusively or with a certain person only is a sign of the negative vibes that you are receiving.

Frequent headaches

If you tend to feel a sense of a perpetual headache while being with or around your partner is a sign that you aren’t comfortable with him/her. The presence itself is annoying but is not explicitly felt. If it happens frequently, you should not ignore it. Headache can be due to constant stress or the claustrophobic feeling that you experience in the relationship.

You have slouchy back

Slouchy back is a sign of either the difficult times one is experiencing in the relationship or the troubled responsibilities laid down upon them or the fact that they do not feel confident about the relationship anymore. A slouchy back is also a sign of defeat which is reflective of the failed relationship we are in and the loss of excitement in it. Not just shoulders, facial expressions and body postures also reflect the feel good vibes of the person you are with, says Demetrius Figueroa.

You are always panting for breath

Panting could be a result of excess body labor due to physical actions, or might be a sign of the fact that you are working more than required for the relationship and are being overburdened, which will ultimately cost you your life. Even rushing into new relationships, without really overcoming the previous one is a hasty job that is likely to make you feel tired. You need rest and so does your mind. A new relationship means a new set of responsibilities and commitments which the body is probably not in a situation to handle.

Probable intestinal problems

Some might consider it to be absolutely absurd but some people do suffer from problems of leaky gut due to the relationship. A study at the Ohio State University shows how bitter relationships affect our health inversely by affecting the LBP.

Weird stomach aches

A negative relationship can result in dropping of stomach due to nervousness and fear. This feeling should not be ignored for it a sign of the negativity in the relationship, says Miranda N. Dennis LCSW, DBTC.

It is thus important to consider the signs that your body gives you to realize whether or not the relationship is good for you. Thus, do not forget to reconsider and re-think about your relationship.

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