8 Ways to Increase Romance in Your Relationship

There comes a point in the relationship, when both partners realize that the love present in the relationship has decreased considerably, leading to boredom settling in.

The catch is, people have to address that, and most don’t want to, because they think it makes them look weak and too emotional. The downside is, it might lead to the end of a relationship that is perfect and blossoming like a flower.

So what to do? How to increase this romance in your relationship, which will firmly entrench the belief, that you guys are made for each other?

Talk About Love

To bring forth romance in the relationship, one needs to talk about love a lot more than they used to. Don’t just say “I love you”, but take the time to actually talk about it. Tell your partner how much you love them, and how much they mean to you.


Just because you are already in a relationship doesn’t mean you can’t flirt with her anymore. Hit on her, woo her again, tell her how beautiful she looks, or how much you want her. Flirting brings forward the notion of “want”, and as long as there is want, there would be love.

Go On Dates

The keyword is, unpredictable. Don’t inform them before going on dates. Make it a surprise. Take them to their favourite restaurant and then surprise them with their favourite dish. This will make them realize how much you care for them.


A relationship isn’t all about whom you spend Friday nights with, but whom you spend the whole Saturdays and Sundays with. Relax together, wear your shabbiest clothes, and lie down on the bed, talking about your hobbies. The best way to spark romance in your life isn’t sex always- it is what you talk about, after sex.

Treat Them The Moment They Wake Up

The best way to your partner’s heart is a nice cup of coffee the moment they wake up. Apart from rejuvenating them, and making them happy, it would also make them feel mushy inside that it was done just for them, and no one else.


Spontaneity is the key. Surprise them with random gifts. Not everything has to be planned and thought about. It doesn’t have to be something pricey or expensive. Just something which you earnestly wanted to give them.

Physical Intimacy

The biggest way to mess up a relationship is to not touch them. Physical intimacy is needed in every relationship. When you are in touch with each other, you feel connected, which is just not there when you are far away. Kiss them, hug them, hold their hands while you are walking, because this would make it all the more special.


Don’t just stay cooped up in a place the whole time. The way to a romantic relationship is when you both go out to some location, and do something that ought to give you an adrenaline rush, because that would really connect you to each other, knowing that you both feel a part of it, and each other.

So, reconnect today and hit new G-spots in your relationship every day!

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