Detoxification to Rejuvenate Your Body

The pressures and pace of our daily lives take its toll on our physical and mental health. We must take out time to rejuvenate our system, both physical and mental, to remain productive and in good health. While meditation, relaxing music, a holiday, playing with children and pets can help rejuvenate the mind; the body can be rejuvenated through regular exercise, proper sleep-wake patterns, correct diet, and detoxification.

Detoxification is simply getting rid of toxins in your system. While the body is equipped to eliminate toxins, our current lifestyle makes it necessary to help enhance its capabilities. The body eliminates toxins from the system with the help of the kidneys, liver, digestive system, lungs, and skin. Healthy organs work efficiently and eliminate toxins in the regular course of our daily lives. However, we tend to overload these organs and that is where the problems begin.

Understanding how not to overwork the organs is the first step for your health goals. Given below are some ways to help keep your organs functioning smoothly and without stress.

Reduce or Limit Alcohol Intake

Studies indicate that moderate alcohol intake could be beneficial to our health. A glass of wine daily is said to help with keeping the heart-healthy. However, excessive regular drinking can result in a plethora of health issues, some of which could also be life-threatening. Alcohol is processed in the liver where enzymes metabolize the alcohol to acetaldehyde. Our system recognizes acetaldehyde as a toxin and hence the liver converts it to acetate, a harmless substance that is subsequently eliminated from the body. Excessive regular alcohol intake causes fat buildup in the liver along with inflammation and scarring. This reduces the ability of the liver to function properly, leading to other complications due to inadequate flushing of toxins and other waste from the body.

Reduce and Limit Salt, Sugar and Processed Food Intake

Anything in excess can cause problems and the same holds for your salt, sugar and processed food consumption. Excess consumption of salt can lead to fluid retention in the body. This is more so if you suffer from any liver or kidney problems and also if you do not drink enough water. Potassium-rich food counterbalances some of the effects of excess sodium.

Obesity, some chronic diseases, and diabetes are linked to the excessive consumption of sugary and processed foods. Chronic diseases and obesity can cause damage to your liver and kidney, reducing their potential to process and eliminate waste from the body.

Increase Consumption of Foods High in Antioxidants and Prebiotics

Free radicals are molecules produced by the body for cellular processes, like digestion. Tobacco, alcohol, pollutants and a poor diet can cause the body to increase the production of free radicals. This brings about a condition called oxidative stress which can damage your cells, resulting in liver and heart disease, dementia, certain cancers, and asthma. Antioxidants found in fruits, berries, nuts, vegetables, spices, green tea, coffee, and cocoa help prevent this damage.

Your gut health is the key to your overall health and well being. To maintain good gut health, gut bacteria require adequate and proper food to help them function. Prebiotics are perfect to feed the good bacteria in your gut and ensure that their population is more than that of bad bacteria. Bananas, artichokes, tomatoes, onions, garlic, oats and asparagus are all good sources of Prebiotics.

Increase Water Intake

One of the key requirements of our body, water does more than just quench our thirst. It plays a huge part in digestion, nutrient absorption, regulating body temperature, keeping the joints lubricated and carrying waste out of your body. As the cells break down nutrients to be absorbed by the body, they also release waste. This waste needs to be transported out of the body and water does that job by removing them in the form of sweat or urine. Water also helps in removing excess salt from your system. Increased water intake reduces the secretion of the antidiuretic hormone that is responsible for preventing urination.

Get Regular Exercise

Your body needs exercise to keep it healthy and help reduce the chances of diseases. Exercise also helps reduce inflammation. Excessive inflammation can weaken your system and make it susceptible to diseases. The recommended exercise regime for adults is between 150 to 300 minutes of moderate exercise and 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous exercise every week. Remember, it is better to keep a continuous regime rather than work out in fits and starts.

Keep Healthy

If you keep your body healthy, it will detoxify itself regularly, ensuring that there is no need for you to resort to supplements and other actions for detoxification.

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