How to Talk About Consent with Young Children

As parents, you have probably heard the word consent, but do you know what the term really means and how the consent is influenced by the law in your state? Consent is basically permission or agreement to do something. Consent has to be respected and communicated properly, especially before taking part in intimate activities.

Knowing about the term is especially important because, in certain states, the consent laws are very strict. For example, the age of consent in Nevada is 16 years old. In other words, if a child is under sixteen, they are not considered to be of legal age for consent. This also means, if a 16-year-old teen has any intimate activity with a teen under the age of 16, they are open for charges of sexual abuse, sexual assault, and statuary rape.

As a parent, it is very important to educate your young children about consent because if they aren’t aware, they could be committing a crime.

Here are some tips on how to talk about consent to young children:

1.Consent can be hard for a child to understand, but if you follow the tips below, you can help them understand in its simplest form.

2.Tell your child that their body is their own and they have full right to make decisions about it. This includes letting them decide if they would be willing to receive a kiss or hug from family members or friends rather than forcing them.

3.You need to encourage your teen to pay attention and respect other’s privacy by watching the body language. For example, an individual may take a few steps back if they feel like their personal space is being invaded, or they may move aside if someone tries to sit next to them.

4.Encourage your child to properly communicate and speak up if they feel something isn’t right.

5.Encourage your child to always ask for consent. They must ask someone before they hug or kiss an individual.

6.Help your child understand to accept rejection and take it lightly. For example, if your child is doing something uncomfortable to another individual and that individual insists on stopping the activity, they must respect their thoughts.

7.Educate your child about protecting their and other’s privacy both in real life and online. Help them understand why it is important to seek permission from someone before they touch, hug, kiss, or share photos/videos on the internet.

Helping your children understand about consent and privacy at an early age will prepare them for a better life later. They will eventually grow up to be responsible men and women who respect others’ privacy and seek permission before indulging in activities pertaining to sex. This will eventually lead to a better and more fulfilling relationship.

This is especially important for young children who are sexually active. Understanding how consent works will save them from a lot of trouble later on because when it comes to consent laws, there is often very little forgiveness reserved for the person charged with abuse.

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