Avoid These 5 Pitfalls If You Want to Have a Long-Lasting Relationship

Getting into a relationship is pretty easy, but maintaining it isn’t a piece of cake. We are no strangers to people breaking up, over something that could have been fixed by just talking to the other person, but they rather chose to break all contacts with each other. While that may seem to be a simple and short solution, it isn’t the best. It leads to a situation or a phrase, where people even get depressed, or behave in an extremely weird way.

But, there are ways. Ways that can enable the relationship to flourish, and bloom amidst the morbidity of life. Let’s face and admit the truth, we have invested too much time in our relationship, to completely move on immediately after a break up. That breaks us from within, and makes us think love, commitment and trust are just figments of our imagination.

These are the following ways through which we can actually salvage our relationship, or rather, ways, which we should avoid to enable a long, happy relationship.


Make Love, not war. Arguments are present in every relationship, be it professional, or personal, long or short. The basic reason why people argue is because they aren’t similar and hence extremely differing views on multiple topics. Now, if you are in love with someone, you can’t just break it all up, simply because that person believes Stranger Things is better than Game of Thrones.

Arguments are necessary, but breaking up for them seems a tad bit over the top. A long relationship will have a lot of arguments, some involving things thrown at each other too, but what needs to be understood is that, you aren’t in love with the person who is arguing, you are in love with the person that the other person actually is. A person might say a lot in anger, doesn’t mean they have to mean it.


Every relationship comes with its doubts and hesitations that, is normal. We are prone to second guessing all of our actions, and one of these proportions would obviously be a load in our minds. But before you get on that high horse, and imagine a life full of adventures with nothing to hold you back, realize that at the end of the day, when you come back to your place, you would want someone to be there.  Hesitation is all fine; just don’t let it be your conscience.


Adam and Eve couldn’t elude it, how can we? Temptation is the bane of everything pure. But, it is also true that if you are with someone you envision a future, it is expected that you are able to place a tight rein on that temptation, and not let it be real. Thinking about it is no harm. Acting on it, leads to all the problems.

The Unattached Life

Looking at all the single people in the club is bound to give you doubts. Looking at their apparently fun filled life, filled with sex, and booze, with no strings attached, would seem like the dream. There is one catch though: they aren’t happy. The meaningless sex is just a way to fill in the void. Charlie Sheen from Two and A Half Men? That.


It is unsaid, but always present, similar to a family ghost. The less sex you have, the more you find the relationship to be a waste of time. But it is not so. Sex can be lessened with the passage of time, and it is at that point when you need to talk about it, and plot out new and exciting ways to spice up the bedroom, maybe bring in a couple more partners too. You might be hesitant bringing up that topic, but by the time you feel sex is stale, your partner would feel it too.

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