Raising a Child According to the Different Stages of Development

During the preschool years of your child’s life, they develop immensely in a number of areas. Physical growth is an obvious one, along with emotional development, learning to communicate, becoming more confident and self-reliant, learning to socialise, developing relationships with those around them and more.

It’s important that your child develop positively during these formative years, as it is the basis of setting them off on the right path in life. But it begs the question – How do you raise a child according to the different stages of life at this very early age?


As human beings, it’s natural for us to form relationships with the people around us, and this begins from the very moment a child is born. Relationships help with emotional growth and creating a sense of security in the child’s environment. Positive relationships also promote learning and brain development

Children are very observant. They don’t just take note of their own personal relationships, but also the relationships between the people around them. For a child to develop emotionally in a positive way, they need to feel loved and secure and also observe positive relationships among the people they associate with the most.


When a child plays, it isn’t all about having fun. It’s also about learning and training. That’s why so many children’s toys are designed to be educational in some way. It could involve understanding colours, learning the basics of counting, reading and comprehension, shapes, building and all manner of other small life lessons.

Playtime gets the child’s brain thinking while engrossed in a fun activity. This naturally leads to brain development, as well as teaching a child how to interact with other kids or adults who are playing with them. Problem solving skills are developed, as are persistence, along with communication skills when playing with others.

Learning About Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Healthy eating and learning about nutrition are important life lessons and will set your child on the path to remaining strong and healthy well into their adult years. Good nutrition isn’t just important for physical growth and strength in young children. Just as vital is the way a good diet helps children develop both mentally and emotionally.

As adults, we know that when we don’t eat properly we feel weak, lethargic, slow to think and can feel down and a little depressed due to a lack of proper nutrition.

Training kids to eat a healthy diet and why it’s important is a key aspect to early development, leading to physical strength, properly developed bodies, increased mental capabilities and a positive mood.

Regular Physical Activity

Regular physical activity for your child is just as vital as eating a healthy and nutritious diet. As young bodies grow, being active trains the body how to develop, and the more active a child is, the better the body understands that it needs to increase muscle strength and growth, burn fat and so on.

Exercise is also beneficial for a child’s mental state. They will be happier as a result and find it easier to concentrate on various tasks which leads to more effective and faster learning in most instances.

Exercise doesn’t have to involve tedious activities such as jogging. Anything that’s fun for a child that also gets them moving about is good exercise and a positive step towards healthy physical and mental development.

Enrol Your Child In An Early Learning Centre

In an early learning centre, kids will be put through fun and interactive programs that are designed to promote healthy development in the child on every level. Whether it be physical activity, emotional development, positive brain development or the ability to learn important communication and social skills, children of preschool age will learn all of this and more in an early learning centre.

To discover what an early learning centre can do for your child, just contact one in your local area. To find one near you, simply go online and search for terms like the following, if you live in Sydney, for example:

  • Early childhood care Sydney
  • Early childhood care
  • Sydney early learning centres

If you focus on adopting ways to help your child develop at an early age, you’ll be setting them up for the rest of their lives.

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