Signs Of A Cancerous Mole That Needs Immediate Attention

Did you know that some raised or flat moles that appear on your skin surface can be cancerous in nature?

You may also find it enlightening to learn that there are various signs that indicate that the mole is malignant in nature and you probably have skin cancer.

Most moles are benign and do not pose a danger to our health.

If only they appear during adulthood or the existing ones are altering their appearance, then it is likely that they are melanomas.

In such cases, it is necessary to visit the skin specialists for a diagnosis. The skin experts are qualified to conduct a biopsy to help us understand the nature of the skin growths.

If its a benign mole then plenty of options can be explored such as mole removal creams, homeopathic products etc. The best of mole removal creams are compared under detailed guide at

Sign of Cancerous Mole that You Mustn’t Ignore

Refer to the following details to know about the signs that can help us in determining the nature of the moles.

  • Color: Are the colors of the moles not uniform but are inconsistent such as black in the middle and red, brown, or white on the outskirts?
  • Evolving: Have you noticed that the moles are constantly changing their shape, color, size, height, or texture?
  • Ragged Edges: Do you notice that the moles contain scarred, blurred or irregular edges and are dissimilar to the normal moles that have a defined boundary?
  • Painful: When you touch the moles, do you feel pain or are they oozing fluid or blood?
  • Dimension: Has the size of the mole become larger in size and grown more than 6 millimeters in size?
  • Asymmetrical: Does the mole appear to be asymmetrical meaning that both the sides are not equal in size?
  • Difficult to Heal: Is the mole a new development and does not seem to heal even after applying ointments or being exposed to air?
  • Different Texture: Are you noticing that the mole is scaly, itchy, dry, lumpy or does the mole feel tender to the touch?
  • Hereditary Factors: Does any close relative or any other family member have a history of cancer?
  • Dysplastic: Do you observe that the mole is dysplastic in nature meaning that it is more than 6 millimeters in size, has unclear edges as well as darkened centers?

If you have answered yes to any of the above queries, we advise you visit the skin specialist for ascertaining whether they are cancerous moles or not. Moles arise when the skin is exposed to long duration’s. When the cells that produce the skin pigment melanin accumulate at a certain part of the body, then moles could surface. It is important to keep your skin protected when exposing yourself to the sun. You are advised to apply sunscreen to prevent damage to your skin.

It is easy to spot a melanoma. They are new spots that are seen on the skin. Also, you may observe that their color, size, and shape keep altering. Additionally, they seem to be different than other spots on the skin. There are other indicators of skin cancer such as asplash of pigment from the mole edges to the adjoining skin or redness around the borders of the skin spots. If you perceive these signs or anything unusual about the moles, do not delay in taking an appointment with your doctor.

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