9 Struggles Of Women With Old Souls

“The times, they are a changin’” and we all know how much it has changed only in the last fifty years. The millennial generation is the most oft discussed generation who have changed how we do things. Everything is about speed too. But in this hustle bustle, a few of us are still a little old school and some would say that we are old souls and that is not easy. Let me tell you about some of our struggles.

1. Meaningful sex

Now don’t get us wrong but the hook-up culture eludes us. We honestly do not understand how two people who have no connection and have nothing in common, just do-the-do and then part ways like nothing happened. That kind of an experience would just make us feel even more terrible and the fifteen minutes really is not worth the sadness later.

2. Snapchat?

The filters are honestly a little vain and the dog filter is just creepy. Sorry. The whole point of Snapchat is sending photos that you would not want everyone to see because they go away so early but really, we do not even want those pictures, and it’s silly.

3. Song lyrics

Not to be a buzzkill, but the word “booty” is so overused it makes me cringe. Whatever happened to lyrics that actually mean something? We never get to play our music at a party because it’s mostly the classics.

4. Crowds

Nothing, I repeat, nothing is appealing about crowds. Sure we like to get together with our friends but why everything needs to be done in a group is beyond us. We like our alone time.

5. Reality TV

Well for starters, where is the creativity? I wouldn’t say it is particularly fun to watch 70 people in a big house acting like children. It is a waste of time.

6. Sowing wild oats

We don’t believe in playing the field like “players”. We believe in meaningful conversations and bonds that we forge with each other. We believe in quality than quantity.

7. Commitment

Needless to say, we are the ones who love intensely and actually “fall in love”. We are the ones who take the first step in a world of cowards cowering behind a dating profile. We help our partners become better people and show them off like one of our achievements, because we feel blessed to be with them.

8. Future

And by this we mean what kind of a world we are leaving for our kids. This includes the environment and the kind of social and moral values we are leaving.

9. Standards and beauty trends

We see right through their hollowness and their fragility for that matter. Ever wonder why a certain large group still finds so-called “unconventional beauties” alluring? That’s because there can never be any convention that can bind together everything under something as relative as “beauty”. We understand it lies in the eye of the beholder and definitely not in makeup kits.

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