E-Cigarettes Contain 10 times More Cancer Causing Ingredients Than Regular Cigarettes

And we thought that electronic cigarettes could save us…

New research has found out that electronic cigarettes contain even 10 times more cancer causing ingredients than regular tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarettes were meant to replace the most dangerous and life-threatening smoking habit, but they turned out to be far more harmful to our health.

According to research conducted by Japanese scientists and experts, was found out that e-cigarettes increase the risk of cancer. The e-cigarettes contain 10 times more cancer-causing carcinogens than regular ones and put our health in so many dangers.

The experts from the Japanese Ministry of Health found formaldehyde and acetaldehyde carcinogens in the liquid produced by many e-cigarette products. They also found that e-cigarettes can fuel potentially life-threatening drug-resistant pathogens. This discovery comes from a lab study that tested the vapor from e-cigarettes on live methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and human cells.

According to the official, the formaldehyde carcinogen is much more present in the e-cigarette liquids than in the chemicals used in regular cigarettes.

“In one brand of e-cigarette the team found more than 10 times the level of carcinogens contained in one regular cigarette. Especially when the wire (which vaporizes the liquid) gets overheated, higher amounts of those harmful substances seemed to be produced,” says Naoki Kunugita, one of the researchers.

Back in 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) advised governments to ban the sale of e-cigarettes to underage people because they posed a serious threat to them.

The UN health agency advises children, adolescents, pregnant women, and women of reproductive age to not use the e-cigarettes. They also think that e-cigarettes should be outlawed from indoor public spaces.

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