3 Behaviors That Make You Have Less Money and Some Tips How to Avoid Them

We live in the age of capitalism and most things in this world have to do with money. Almost all of us equate stability with money but we are not really to be blamed, given how the world economy works.

That being said, there is a grave problem that surrounds our generation – which is that a lot of us do not really know or understand how to handle money. We spend a lot of our time thinking about how we do not have enough money and this might have to do more with out attitudes than the resources we have available.

If you always feel like you are running out of money but have a decent job and make good money, there might be more to it than the simple math that every financial transaction demands. If that scared you a little, do not worry. The following is a list of things that you might be doing wrong, along with ways to stop it thereby making sure that you feel more secure about money and finances in general. The simple rule is- there is always more to the problem.

1. Lack of positivity when it comes to money matters

Look, there is more to money and spending than just luxury. It is an essential commodity but it should not be the only thing that matters in your life. The key is to make sure that you know exactly how much you earn and how much you can spend, AFTER all the costs that you must incur to sustain yourself, say rent, food, student loans and so on. There is much we have to learn from people who earn millions and billions but still keep working. The solution is to make a budget, a realistic one and stick to it, no matter what. If you want to buy something very expensive just because it will make you look good, I would suggest you to not. Utility is essential.

2. Materialism

You like expensive things – you buy them. Nobody says that you do not deserve a little treat sometimes but it definitely shouldn’t become a way of life. We all like nice things but if it is burning a hole in your pocket after the end of every month, maybe it is not very smart. As I said above, utility is essential so if you want to save money, consider if you need something before you buy it. If you do buy something extravagant, be sure to cut down on your spending somewhere else.

3. You like retail therapy too much

While a little bit of it never hurt anybody, compulsive buying is a disease and you have to start real work on it. If you find that you are lying about the prices of things and buying stuff just for the sake it, you might have a disorder. To battle this, the solution is actual therapy. Once you have done that, a support group will do you good as well. Chuck the credit card and focus on getting better.

Nothing is impossible, especially being financially sound and independent.

Best of luck!

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