6 Intimate Things You Can Do With Your Partner to Make Your Relationship Last

If you are tired of going from one to another relationship and exhausted of all the disappointments that a failed relationship brings you definitely should read this article.

You put all the effort and start to intimate with someone only to have that intimacy die down after some time. You get all the hopes and expectations going into one relationship and in the end when the reality doesn’t meet your expectations all you feel is emptiness and sadness. But how can you find your love match if you are not brave enough and not ready to risk.

It’s true that if happens pretty often, you start to lose interest and you may stop believing in love. But you shouldn’t do that, it is just a problem that will be solved with some period of time, because there is always a solution when it comes to love. That is just a sign that you still haven’t found the right person for you, and you can’t force love to appear somewhere that wasn’t supposed to be in. All you have to do is to practice some good habits and put yourself in best position to succeed in a relationship.

Also you should be aware that nobody is perfect, everybody has its own flaws and shortcomings, blemishes and imperfections. We are all humans after all. You had your own role in the romantic misfortune, doing something that you shouldn’t have it done in the relationship at all. But, no worries, not everybody know how to find success in love. That’s what this article is for.

It doesn’t always mean that you will find love with every person you meet, but you can do something that will improve your chances. So if you are in relationship now and you feel like it might be the right person, here are six intimate things that you can do to make sure that this is going to be the last one.

1.Do not rush through the different stages of your relationship

The best way to go through relationship is step by step. Even though you want to go through life fast, you shouldn’t be selfish and you also need to considerate your partner’s needs. Maybe your partner is not feeling comfortable if you rush through the relationship. Just take the things slow and enjoy every moment of the relationship.

2.Communicate your expectations and goals to one another on a regular basis

It is really important to be in constant communication and to discuss with your partner about your goals and expectations. As people change over the time so do the goals and expectations. Make sure you are always on the same page with your partner.

3.Do not bring your emotional baggage from old relationships into the new one

Always remember that the past is meant to be in the past. Never let the emotional weight of the previous relationships to pull you down.  You will never be able to handle the emotional weight of the current relationship if you also carry the one from the old relationship.  Just focus on the present with a mind towards the future.

4.Respect whatever boundaries your partner sets for you

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you should control your partner’s life. You are both still individual human beings, coexisting in an intimate space. You need to respect each other’s boundaries if you don’t want to violate the sanctity of the coexistence.

5.Stay committed to the relationship and your partner

It’s all about if you are able to commit to one another. If you can’t commit to your partner you can’t make the love last at all.

6.Stop act like your relationship is the only thing happening in your life

Your relationship is not the only thing happening in your life, so don’t act like it is and stop putting too much pressure if you want to be successful. The pressure will only bring a lot of toxicity into and otherwise romantic atmosphere. No matter you are in relationship, you are still an individual and you need to learn to live an independent lifestyle.

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